Monthly Update: Greta at 7 Months
Eating: Greta tried so many new foods this month! We eased her into solid foods by trying several purees. We were surprised by how much she enjoyed her spinach and kale purees! She also tried some yogurt melts. Greta is still exclusively on breastmilk and drinks about 14 oz. at daycare every day.
Sleeping: Greta sleeps through most nights. Sometimes she wakes up for one brief nighttime feeding either at 1:30 or 3:30 am, but always falls right back asleep. I slept in her room several nights this month while she recovered from her first bad cold.
Doing: Greta easily pops up into a sitting position and loves to play with her toys on her play mat. She also likes playing with toys in her crib. Every morning she starts her day in her activity table. She spends most of her time throwing her toys off of it!
Latest Milestones: Greta started crawling this month! She crawled for the first time on New Years Eve. It was a very exciting way to ring in the new year!
Favorite Things: Greta loves, loves, loves her If I Were an Owl book, which she received as a Christmas gift from her Great Aunt and Uncle. She lights up every time she sees the cover and does an amazing job touching each page. We read it SO MANY times during our flight to Minnesota!
Best Adventures: This month Greta visited Santa twice (once in NYC and once in Minnesota), went on long walks with mommy in her stroller, celebrated her first Christmas, and took her eighth plane ride!
Our Family: Brian and I spent this month emotionally preparing to send Greta to daycare. I found myself crying often throughout the month of December thinking about going back to work. Thankfully, we knew we loved our daycare before we even started taking Greta there. The night before I returned to work I barely slept. Between the anxiety and emotions I woke up every hour. After a few tears kissing Greta goodbye I stayed strong the rest of the day. I am grateful that my job keeps me very busy from the time I arrive until the time I leave! Poor Brian had to handle the first drop off. He was very upset and was eager to pick her up at noon on her first day. Greta cried briefly during the first two drop offs, but after that she was all smiles every single morning!
Favorite Part About This Age: Greta's smile lights up the room! She truly is the happiest baby in the entire world. I love how she smiles at me the second I walk into her room in the morning.
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