Yesterday, I had a manicure and coffee date with Meghan. We met up around 1:30 at Bamboo Nails for much-needed manicures. We caught up as our nails were filed, soaked, and painted. Once our nails were dry, we hopped on the train and headed to Ditmars to go to one of our favorite coffee destinations- Martha's Country Bakery. The bakery is absolutely amazing. Meghan introduced me to Martha's a few years ago when she lived near there, and it has been one of my favorite places in Astoria ever since. The menu has everything a dessert lover could ask for. Our picks of the day were a health bar cookie and a Bougatsa custard pie. And coffee of course.
We chat for hours as we gobbled up our sweet treats. An added bonus: getting to show off our manicures each time we picked up our white, oversized coffee mugs.
It was great to get to spend the afternoon with Meghan. As we were saying goodbye, I told her I didn't know why we didn't meet up more often. We live so close, yet we only get together every month or so to catch up. We both agreed that we need to meet up more often, even if just for a quick bite or cup of coffee. Hanging out with Meghan was a great way to officially start my week off!
....bougatsa is a pie that people make in Thessaloniki,Greece.