Monthly Update: Greta at 11-12 Months
Eating: Greta is quite an adventurous eater! The only food she refuses to eat is bananas! She doesn't mind the taste in purees, but she absolutely hates the texture of fresh bananas. Mangos and strawberries are her favorite fruits. She also loves puree pouches and can eat them all by herself now!
Sleeping: Greta falls asleep between 7-8 pm each night after a 7 ounce bottle. Some nights after daycare she is ready for bed by 6:45 pm! Once I stopped breastfeeding in the mornings at 11 months she started to sleep in a bit later (6 am). Greta sleeps with her lovey and binky every night. We are amazed at how she moves all over her crib throughout the night, but always manages to have her lovey in her arms!
Doing: Greta is constantly on the move and wanting to play! She still usually crawls with her hands full of toys, most often a stacking ring in each hand. She also really likes playing with her toy cell phone now. Greta likes to chew on everything she plays with, a sure sign that teeth are coming in!
Latest Milestones: At 11 months old Greta was standing often, but not walking yet. On June 1st she took her first two steps at daycare! She continued to take risks with her walking up until her first birthday. She was up to 5 steps by the time she turned one year old. She also is an expert waver and loves to say hi to everyone she sees.
Favorite Things: Her book bin (flip books and touch-and-feel books are her favorite), Sid the Science Kid, giving Sadie hugs, playing with her shape bin, standing at our coffee table, and dancing to any song with a great beat!
Favorite Part About This Age: Greta is truly our little dream baby. She wakes up smiling and continues to radiate joy all day long! I love watching her excitement as she plays with her favorite toys. She is learning new things every day and it is amazing to watch her interact with her books. She especially enjoys her flip books and can identify the cats and babies in the illustrations.