So, this morning my brother-in-law noticed my two-year-old niece Sage walking around the laptop. He asked her what she was doing, and she replied, "I am trying to wake up Auntie Daina. She lives in the computer." Apparently, after hours of Skyping with my sister, Todd, and my favorite girls, their MacBook is my new home. Although it made me sad to think about the fact that I really do live far away from my girls and that I cannot hop in my car and go see them at a moment's notice, Sage's comment has to be the cutest thing I have ever heard. After hearing about that this morning, I knew that Skpying was in order tonight. And my little peanuts did not let me down. Reese danced around in her new Christmas pajamas, twirling a red scarf and doing Arabesques, while Sage giggled away and did her own interpretive dances. I caught up with my sister while the girls played behind her, popping into the screen to show me a somersault or toy. Man, I wish I lived closer to them. But I will say it again and again, thank god for Skype in between my visits. And I will live in a MacBook for those girls any day.

I love Sage's model poses in all of these pictures. |
Reese got her camera and started to "take" pictures of me, too. I. Love. Her. |
Too funny! You are the 2nd person this week to blog about Skype! I'm missing out!