So, I am loving this whole blog thing. I feel like I am part of a new world of writers and photographers, and I am constantly being inspired by the posts I read and see. I truly enjoy trying to capture my life in new ways and sharing it with others. But, sometimes I find myself at a loss during the week. On the weekends, I am able to wander and explore the city, see friends, reflect on my week, and think about the week ahead. And I usually have an abundance of words and photos to show for it. But during the week, when I get home from work I barely having time to go to the gym for a quick cardio workout, let alone sit down and thoughtfully craft a new post. But I still want to be able to. So, I decided to create a way to post, reflect, and still sneak in that cardio. Every Thursday, I want to think about three things that I am thankful for. Some might be small and even silly at times, and some might be monumentally important. But I think both are important to remind myself of. Hopefully reminding myself of how fortunate I am during my hectic and exhausting work weeks will keep me a little more sane. So here it goes, three things that I am thankful for this Thursday.
1. Sugar. For the past few days, I have had a serious craving for Twinkies. Last night while I was asleep on the couch, Brian headed out to the deli to pick one up for me. Apparently, every deli near my apartment stopped carrying Hostess products and replaced them with the slightly less delicious Drake's cakes. Boo. So, he went to the Brazilian grocery store instead and picked up a few of our favorite desserts. I woke up to my favorite pastry- a pie crust cup filled with custard, similar in taste to creme brulee. Yum.

Then today, I made my second batch of pumpkin cupcakes in one week. Lindsey and I had a couple while we chatted at my apartment this afternoon, and I brought the rest over to Brian's apartment for him and Nestor to enjoy while watching the fight during their guys' night. I am convinced that anything would taste good with a thick layer of cream cheese icing on it. But a pumpkin cupcake with cream cheese icing is pure perfection. (Oh, and when I said I brought the rest over to Brian's house, what I really meant was that I kept two for myself in my cup-a-cake containers)

2. Splendor being tugged to shore. Today, my dad, along with the rest of the Splendor crew and 4,500 passengers, returned to San Diego after being stranded at sea for the past few days. It was very strange to hear about an accident on a cruise ship on the news, and then find out that of all the cruise ships out there it turned out to be the ship my dad works on. My dad has worked for Carnival for many years, and nothing like this has happened before. He said that it was a very strange few days with no power and limited bathrooms, but that everyone was in good spirits and tried to make the best of it. My dad and the other musicians threw together some performances for the guests, and he said that people would sit at the pianos and entertain throughout the day. I am thankful that no one was hurt, and that my dad is safe and sound on land!
3. Veterans. Thank you to all who have served and who are serving our country. Your courage and dedication should be recognized each and every day, especially on this Veteran's Day. Thank you!
What are three things that you are thankful for today?
Your dad was on that ship? WOW! Glad everyone is ok :)
ReplyDeleteToday I am thankful for Pandora, the smell of homemade quiche in the oven, and the beer I'm about to crack open.